Pastor Theresa Tavernier is fulfilling her life’s calling as a servant of God by bringing the Gospel of Christ to people in need of the Savior. Born and raised in a Christian home, the teachings of Jesus captivated and compelled her to share His Truth through her gifts of music and exhortation. She is currently serving as the Senior Pastor and Founder of Remnant Church International, Inc. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Pastor Tavernier, affectionately known as “Pastor Tee,” developed an unusual passion for the things of God and His house at a young age and sought Him in the Word and in worship. She began using her musical talents by singing in church and school choirs, and later as an accomplished percussionist. She was blessed to perform with legendary artists such as the Late Rev. James Cleveland, the Late Timothy Wright, “Commissioned,” and many more. Her career culminated as the head percussionist for Jesus People Ministries Church International in Miami Gardens, Florida under the leadership of the Late Bishop Isaiah S. Williams and Co-Pastor, Dr. Gloria Y. Williams.
Pastor Tavernier’s desire to spread the Lord’s truth throughout the world led her to establish Saved Magazine as Publisher and Founder in 2003. The magazine was noted for hard-news stories on issues impacting contemporary Christian living such as End-Time prophecies, deliverance, homosexuality, and occultism. Saved also spotlighted Gospel music trendsetters, legends, and celebrities who are born-again believers. Saved regularly offered common-sense advice on health, fitness, and finance. As proof of God’s blessing on this endeavor, Saved’s distribution grew to reach thousands of households in over 45 nations.
Surprisingly, successes in the Christian music and journalism industries sparked an emerging urge to preach the Gospel. After performing with many powerful Men and Women of God, and while engaging them in interviews, forming bonds and walking with them in private fellowship, impartation was happening. Visions, dreams, and interpretations of dreams led to sermons and teachings she would rehearse in her head and later write on tablets until it was undeniable. At last, it was irresistible. “You know I want you to do more; you may not stay in your comfort zone.” She had heard His voice and accepted His call.
Responding with swift obedience, Pastor Tavernier was awarded by American Fellowship Church for completing a course study entitled “Survey of the New Testament” on October 27, 2013. She then became a licensed minister under the leadership of Bishop G. R. Adderley, Senior Pastor of Samaritan Christian Center in Hallandale Beach, Florida and Presiding Prelate of Focus Hope International Fellowship Ministries, Inc. on February 2, 2014. She served as Youth Pastor and Church Administrator, preaching the Gospel, counseling members, and facilitating Bible studies and leadership meetings. She visited hospitalized and homebound members and assisted the Senior Pastor with weddings, baby dedications, and funerals.
Pastor Tavernier graduated Magna Cum Laude from Trinity International University in Miramar, Florida with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Ministry on December 31, 2017. She is also a recipient of the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the Corporation of National and Community Service, and the Office of the President of the United States, signed by the 44th U.S. President, Barak Obama in 2016.
Most significantly, Pastor Tavernier is heeding the wise words of her early mentor, Dr. Gloria Y. Williams, Sr. Pastor/CEO of Jesus People Ministries Church International in Miami, Florida, as she spoke a blessing over her upon her ordination, “As your pastor, I encourage you to teach the Word of God with clarity and integrity and to continue to be a strong and virtuous Woman of God.” She holds this charge dearly, and she faithfully fulfills the “Clarion Call” of Christ.
In her pursuit to increase knowledge of the Word of God, Pastor Tavernier is perusing a master’s degree at the Beth Rapha Christian College & Theological Seminary. She is also a member of the Beth Rapha Alliance of Pastors under the tutelage of Bishop Jaqueline E. McCullough. As a covenant with God, Pastor Tee is grooming her only child, Raphael Tavernier, II in the things of God to one day take the mantle that is upon her life and finish running the race.
Worship Service
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
“Wednesday in the Word”
7:00 – 8:30 pm
3300 Griffin Road
Dania Beach, Florida 33312-5554
(754) 703-5900